Sunday, May 24, 2009

I See Dead People...Whoooooo

I had a dream... and almost every dead person I knew was in it. Now mind you, it is not unusual for me, by any stretch of the imagination, to have dreams of people who have passed over, whether I knew them or not, but this morning it was a doosey!! Two of the individuals that where there are:

Who in life, a crotchety, abusive, womanizing, sexist old man, has become a sweet, caring, apologetic, trying-to-make-up-for-what-he-did, kind of person in my dreams (or the other realm) how ever you prefer to analyze it. He invites me to go on his boat with him and his wife (which when he was alive he could never afford because he either gambled or drank all his money away). He never drinks in my dreams and is very kind to me. he even jokes with me. Why the boat is there, I haven't a clue.

His wife has also passed on. In life she was the same as she is in my dreams, sweet, giving, loving, attentive... well, you get the picture. She is genuine.

In this particular dream, for some crazy reason, I am thinking of moving to the rinky-dink town I was born in where there is absolutely nothing to look forward to, and no hope for advancement for a single mom. I have with me my third born, a son who is the grandchild of these two above individuals. The grandmother is going to watch him while I go back to work so I do not have to leave him with a stranger. This comforts me and also makes me realize that it helps put extra money in her pocket. By the way, this son is 31, soon to be 32 years of age in real life, and has no known disabilities. You got me....

There is definately a message here somewhere, but what it is, damn if I know. Welcome to my world. I have dreams like this all of the time.

Yes folk, I see dead people, too. They talk to me. They interact with me. They touch me. I touch them. They even babysit my adult kids.

They don't call me The Crazy Blonde Cougar for nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn I left a comment here on this already LOL! Your dreams have always been prophetic hon so you should take this with a grain of salt and keep it in the back of your mind. Stranger things have happened, no?!?

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