Thursday, June 25, 2009

06/25/2009 – Memorial To Mom

Ginny Gammon

Loving Mother,
Devoted Grandmother,
True Friend

gram_glam (3)

03/05/31~ 06/19/09

A beautiful spirit who led a selfless life.

Her heart was genuine

Her love had no conditions

Her generosity knew no boundaries

She was a blessing to each of us

Her spirit will live on within the hearts

of every life she touched.


This was written by my very lovely daughter for her grandmother, my mom, for her funeral today.  My daughter made hundreds of copies, in laminated bookmark form, to pass around at the gathering after the funeral, so no one would forget this very special woman.  My daughter is very devastated by my mom’s passing.  My daughter was the first born grandchild and was she born on my mom’s birthday.  My mom always told me my daughter was her special gift from me, and it was no secret that the two of them always had a special bond between them.

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